AI Film News | May 22nd, 2024

In this article and video, we will give you the latest AI film news that is most applicable to everyone in the world of AI filmmakers.

We talk about some of the latest AI Film News and new technology in AI Filmmaking. We also highlight some incredible AI Filmmaking projects. You can find the AI Film News links shown in the video below.

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AI Film News Video | May 22nd, 2024

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AI Film News | May 22nd, 2024

Here is a breakdown of the AI Film News from the video.

Google's AI Video Generator - Google teamed up with Donald Glover to launch its AI video generator called VEO. Similar to OpenAI's SORA, everybody is talking about it. Like SORA, VEO can extend shots to be 60 seconds long. Currently, the closest thing we get to this is Runway, where we can extend clips to be 18 seconds long.

Chat GPT-4o - Just before Google's big VEO news, OpenAI released Chat GPT-4o and blew everybody's mind. One of the most interesting features of the new GPT-4o is the vision and voice feature, which offers realistic, responsive voice interaction and video comprehension, bringing AI closer to human-like communication and interaction.

OpenAI is Taking Model Requests for Ethical AI Use - OpenAI is inviting users to participate in shaping ethical AI model behavior, emphasizing community involvement in AI development. It is encouraging to see OpenAI, as one of the biggest AI businesses in the world pursuing ethical use of AI as it develops.

AGI in 2-3 Years? - OpenAI co-founder John Schulman predicts artificial general intelligence (AGI) could emerge within 2-3 years. After seeing GPT-4o, it is not hard to believe.

Leonardo AI Character Reference - Leonardo recently launched their AI Character Reference, and it performs well compared to other character reference tools available. So far, this seems like a phenomenal tool.

Office Hours with Leonardo - At our last office hours, we had the opportunity to host Jesse from Leonardo AI. It was such an insightful time. Thank you for making the time, Jess! If you are in a Curious Refuge course, check it out!

Cannes 2024 - We cannot stop thinking about how spectacular our time was at the Cannes International Film Festival. From speaking on a panel with the President of Microsoft to hosting the first AI Filmmaking Meetup in collaboration with Leonardo, we will never forget this amazing opportunity.

AI Filmmaking - We are coming up on the 1-year anniversary of our first-ever session of AI Filmmaking. We could not be more excited for our second June session of AI Filmmaking ever. Don't wait, make sure you join the waitlist to secure your spot.

AI Advertising - AI ads are popping up all over the place now. In this course, Caleb and Dave will teach you how to utilize the latest AI tools for your commercial production pipeline.

Everyone in Hollywood is Using AI - The Hollywood Reporter recently wrote an interesting article shedding light on the fact that Hollywood is already using AI, but everybody is scared to admit it.

3D Cartoon Renderings - This research tool allows you to upload stills of a cartoon and create a 3D world. It honestly isn't the best quality, but it is very interesting to see this tech and imagine where it will be in another year of development.

AI Motion Design Tool - Here is one of the first AI tools for motion design. It isn't great, but it is usable! If this tool gives you more control to refine and finesse the outputs in the future, it could save a lot of time for motion designers.

3D Images - This 3D imaging tool allow you to transform a few photos into immersive 3D environments.

High-Quality Gaussians from 2-4 Images - This tool allows you to create High-quality 3D models from just a few photos. This has some of the best AI 3D model quality that we've ever seen.

Smooth 3D Scenes with Depth Painting - Depth painting techniques create smooth 3D scenes from single images, expanding possibilities for virtual reality and immersive media.

Photorealistic Elements for a 3D Mesh - Text-to-material AI tools enable the creation of photorealistic elements for 3D models, simplifying the process of designing detailed virtual environments.

AI Costume Transfer - This tool will allow artists to change the clothing of any subject in a film with just a few clicks.

Nike is Using AI to Design Shoes - Nike is utilizing AI to create new shoes based on a person's personality. These definitely look like something that could have come out of Midjourney.

KREA.AI Video - KREA recently launched their new AI video generator. It is not necessarily a tool we see substituting our current video generators, but it may be helpful to produce specific types of content such as dream sequences or live event graphics.

Elevenlabs has some big updates…

  • Elevenlabs Music - In light of the recent battle for the spot of best AI music generator between Udio and Suno, Elevenlabs released a clip of their AI music generator at work. And it is (in our opinion) better than any other tool.

  • Elevenlabs Reading App - Elevenlabs released a reading app for both iPhones and Androids.

  • Elevenlabs Dubbing API - They released their dubbing API for quick dubbing workflows.

All in all, the big takeaway from this is that Elevenlabs is making some big plays to not only be the greatest voice generation app but to be the greatest tool for any type of generative AI audio.

Apple's AI Eye Tracking - Apple recently announced new accessibility features, including AI-powered eye tracking for its devices. Soon, you will be able to control your Apple devices with your eyes.

AI Trailer Competition - The submission deadline for the AI Film Trailer competition is quickly approaching. Make sure to start putting the final touches on your trailer and submit. If you haven't started yet, there is still time! Check out the rules here. 

**Get 10% off of Submachine (our sponsor) here.

AI Filmmaking Meetups - We are stoked about the upcoming AI Filmmaking meetups in London and Kansas City. If you are in those areas, find more information here.

AI Film Festivals Coming Up - There are so many AI film festivals coming up, and it is so cool to see such love for the AI filmmaking community! From Korea to Amsterdam and even Barcelona. Make sure you check out the AI Events page for more information.


These AI Video Updates are BONKERS | AI Film News


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